NEW Family Blog

I have decided that instead of mailing out a Kunz family Newsletter I would facilitate things and make a Blog of what is happening with the Kunz Family. So your job is to send me an update of your family along with a few pictures of recent events and we can combine them all together. Feel free to send a family update as often as you want.

And Please leave a comment by clicking on comment at the bottom of each post.



Sunday, November 18, 2007

Sunday November 18, 2007

Just wanted to drop a line and say hi to everyone. The weather has finally cooled off a little bit here in south Florida. Michelle and I were laughing the other day, the weather man said "You better get your blankets and sweaters out of the closet tonight because it's going to drop into the upper 50's!" He went on to say, "The expected high tomorrow (last Tuesday) is 72, and if it doesn't get above 72 degrees, it will be the coldest day on record since February 19th of this year." These Idahoans are really struggling through these "cold fronts". We went to the beach last Sunday afternoon to take some family pictures for Christmas cards and the water was still
very warm. The locals tell us that the weather will be heavenly until about the beginning of May when the heat will return. We have an extra bedroom and hope some of you will come visit. We can't wait to see Deidre in February!
It occurred to Michelle and I the other day that we live miles and miles from any pine trees or anything that would resemble a traditional Christmas tree. We asked one of the neighbors and were told that you can get one, but they are very, very expensive. After being snowed in during Christmas in Colorado last year, we are sure this Christmas will be quite unique.
Ann Romney (Mitt's wife) attended our sacrament meeting this morning. She sat in back with her brother who lived in Florida for several years. Her brother is helping to organize a lot of the
campaigning here and is good friends with our stake president who is in our ward. We had wonderful talks from two missionaries who are finishing their missions this week and returning home on Thanksgiving day. The elder is from Portland Oregon and the sister is from Guam,
Micronesia. The missionary work here is amazing, we have seen many families come into the ward since we've been here, and it seems like there are baptisms at least a couple times a month. Michelle and I find ourselves answering questions about the church every day. It's
amazing how much the church has been brought into the spotlight. For those not in the Kunz Klan, Michelle's youngest brother, Tyler, recently received his mission call to the Mexico, Mexico City East Mission. Our kids have already begun praying for you Tyler.
Hope you all have a great week. We love you all,
Mark, Michelle, Mikayli, Anna, Kellen, and Max.....The Miami Marlowe's

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Where In the WORLD is TY-TY.

UPDATE: Dad is also up to Eric's challenge...the person guessing the exact mission will receive a crisp $100 and the one closest will receive a $50 bill. Oh, this kind of makes the mix interesting. Good Luck!

Where in The WORLD is TY-TY going to on his Mission??? Well you can now GUESS where and you may WIN!!!

Alright you are not going to win anything unless Lana and Neil ante-up some $$$ (cuz I am poor).

How do you do it??? Email your guess, whether it is as an entire family or each individual person, to Eric at and I will enter them here to see who is closest.

If you want to enter give a country and actual mission. This link will show you all current missions. Click on the COUNTRY you like on the MAP and it will show the missions.

Thanx for playing and good luck.


Tyler Kunz:
"I think that im going to butt montana."
Eric Kunz:
Guatemala. Cuz he looks like he speaks Spanish.......just not "Mexico" spanish. (I think he should go to Motherland Russia though.)

Penny Kunz:
"Australia, because he will be a little Hottie with the Accent, and they have big knives there."

Waklee Kunz:
"Wusssconsin, just because." (Guess Why)

Reese Kunz:
Arizona- (Sorry not more specific....she is not woman of many words... YET!)

Heidi Neville:
Cape Town, Africa. He will make a good "Clicker".

Jared Neville:

Massachusetts (because he has a Massive Glute!! ha ha)

Thinks he will go to New York (that's were daddy went)







Colorado... (GO ROCKIES)

Boy, I'd have some happy kids if that happened!!!
(I had to limit the Marlowes to just the LIVING kids. Michelle took Mark upstairs to Get another Kid on the way. All for a $100 guess.)

We now have all of the Bartschi family and there are some changes.








- (For being the Genius...he must have learned Geography from his Mom.)






Boston - He saw this in a Dream after Boston won game 1 of the World Series?

So these Guesses are out.
Britta Bartschi:

Switzerland. (Brown noser.....just cuz Grandpa Neil and Rebecca went there.)
South America / Brazil (She doesn't realize that is a big country....with States. This is like someone guessing...the US or maybe Uhhh somewhere on Earth.)

He going to go to the Czech Republic or Berlin, Germany. (Mom is hoping Dad's is WRONG!)

He is going to the heartland of Mexico. (Monterrey Mexico.)

guessing Helsinki Finland

Washington DC or Ireland

Guesses Billings MT
Guesses Sao Paolo Brazil South

Jonathan Egbert:

Haley Egbert:
Italy, Rome

Greg Kunz:
Denmark possible Russia so you can get a cheap glock

Kassidy :
Puerto Rico cause you are soooo rico swava...

Cody Kunz:
Frakfurt, Germany (me and grandpa might fight over this but i am saying )

Amy Kunz:
Madrid, Spain

Kirk Hansen:


Hawaii, Honolulu - Aloha

Paris, France - Bonjour


New York - Go Yankees!!!


Hungary, Budapest - (Because Tyler is always hungry.)

Rebecca wants to know What is up with DAD (Neil) and his 2 guesses???


Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Tyler and Todd's Trip to Oregon

I don't think I need to explain it.

Monday, September 3, 2007

Hansen Family - Sept. 2007

Hi Family,

How is everyone? I’m glad Eric & Penny are on the ball and trying to keep us doing a great thing. It’s so fun to see pictures of your families and hear about what’s going on in everyone’s lives.

This past summer has been a whirlwind of events, mostly good. We got our baby boy, Logan LaGrande here on June 18, 2007. He weighed in at 7 lbs. 15 oz. and was 21 ½ inches long. He is an absolute angel baby, so patient and peaceful. We feel so blessed to have him in our family and are so grateful for the immediate bond each of the children felt for him. He is adored by us all. He rolled over when he was just 5 days old, he is starting to smile and coo and seems to make us all mushy inside. Six kids later, and everything is still so new and exciting.

We got the kids in school and everyone is doing well. Jessica is in the 8th Grade this year. Her favorite subject is History. Alexis is in 7th Grade. She loves her Reading Class and especially loves her Reading Teacher who has them do the “Friday Dance” (a little jig) before they can leave her class on Fridays. Stockton is in the 4th Grade this year and is learning Idaho History. He is also playing Grid Kid Football and is enjoying that. Zach is in the 1st Grade and thinks it’s awesome to eat lunch at the school and have not one, but THREE RECESSES a day. Life is good. Josh is home with mom and thinks that the boys are at school way too long. He watches the clock and loves to wait for the bus and then run and hug the boys. He also walks down to the girls’ bus stop down the street and walks home with them. He loves “his kids”.

(First Day of School)

We asked Josh what he wants to be when he grows up and he said, “Tyler.” Good answer. I think there are a lot of little boys in the Kunz Family that want to be like Tyler when they grow up. (You’ve got a fan club, Uncle Ty!)

(Hanging with Granny K)

The other day Zach wanted Stockton to hurry up and he said, “Stockton, pick up the paste!” He almost had it right.

One more—Josh got his finger slammed in the car door a few weeks ago and it has been so sore. The other day he was folding the step up on the trailer and of course got his sore finger smashed in the step. Well he cried and cried. When he finally got it together he looked at me with a big smile on his face and said, “I didn’t see that one comin’.”

What would we do without them? We were talking tonight about the brother of Jared and how he got to see the Savior. The kids were saying how neat that would be and they asked if they had seen Jesus before they came to earth. That took us to the veil and the fact that we can’t remember what happened up there. Well, they then asked how they got put in our family. I told them that they had chosen us to be their parents and so on days that they get mad at us, it’s their own fault, they chose us! It makes me want to be a better parent.

(Cousins learning new tricks)

I love my kids, adore my sweet husband and am so grateful for our entire family. We are so blessed to have each other and the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Our love to you all!

Kirk, Rebecca & Family*

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Marlowe Family

August 21, 2007

Dear Family,
Thought we would take advantage of Eric and the new family blog. Thanks Eric!!!

It’s always good to hear from you all and we hope that everyone had a super first day of school. Summer went by very fast. Mikayli and Anna had a good first day of school. School orientation was Aug. 19… Sunday…during Stake Conference. So we went Monday morning and found their teachers names and where they needed to be. Their teachers, Mrs. Gordan and Mrs. King, seemed very nice. Mikayli is on the second floor and Anna was on the first floor. They wear uniforms
which will make mornings simple…as long as they have a clean uniform
ready to wear. The girls rode the bus home the first day. They are the last pickup in the morning and the first drop off after school.
They are on the bus for a short time. This is a very good thing! They came home
very excited the first day. Mikayli made a friend with Silva and Anna made a friend with Charlotte. I packed lunches
for them and Anna asked that I don’t send her with peaches next time because she spilt the juice on the floor and then slipped on the juice. I asked if anyone helped her or checked on her. She said
that only Charlotte and Trent saw her and Trent thought it was cool when she fell.

So know the boys and I get to spend some quality time together. Honestly, the morning go by pretty quick. The girls start school at 8 :00 a.m. and are home at 2:00 p.m. This is an exciting part of the
day. I’ll be excited to hear how Waklee and Jace’s first day goes. They will be very ready for kindergarten.

The summer past quickly and these are a few of the things we did… Moving (again) Getting kids in Bernadette Silva’s swim class at the Appletree Montessori It was only twice a week and the girls and Kellen loved it. The kids took off after one month. She is the R.S. president in
the Weston Ward. Went to a couple free movie’s at the theatre with Johnson’s and Ameigeiras Family
Swimming, swimming, and m
ore swimming. Going to the beach Going to the Miramar Park (just a park with a large umbrella over the playground Corinne visiting and going to Orlando and to Biscayne Bay (Bill Baggs State Park) Mikayli emailing Blake and Stockton Watching Doris Day in “Calamity Jane” and Shirley Temple in “Little Rebel” KatchaKid net put on the pool

Fun quotes/happenings…
Met up with Mark in Sunday School and he said, “You’ll never guess what I just did. I saw Juana’s husband and greeted him by saying …Hello, President Lopez” He then took a few steps and turned around and said, “I mean President Sanchez.” He knew that this didn’t sound right as well…and
then it dawned on his that it was President Gonzales.

Max fell in love with the Spiderman costume and it’s muscles…had to put it on whenever he saw it and when it was on he went around acting like a tough guy and pushing everyone around. I had clothes cleaned, ironed and folded ready to put in a suitcase to go to Orlando. Before long Mikayli came running in to tell me that Max and Kellen were throwing clothes down the stairs. I went to go and check and it was every stitch of clothes or diapers that I had ready to pack. Unglued is the word that comes to mind.

When we sit down for Sunday dinner we usually ask the kids what they learned in their Primary class. One Sunday Kellen answered that he had talked about dinosaurs and fighting… obviously this was not part of the lesson but the discussion he had with another little Sunbeam. The next Sunday we
asked what he had learned and his immediate response was “Jesus”.

Kellen talked to Mark on the phone the other day. Mark asked how he was doing and he replied, “I am good and healthy Dad.” Two things that Kellen does not like collared shirts and bread. Sundays are a joy… Hopefully, he will learn to like collared shirts and bread by the time he is eight.

There is a house around our house that always has a limo out front (limo service) and the kids call it the limo house. The other night Anna layed down on her pillow that is extra long and starting calling
it her limousine pillow.

One evening I was going to take the kids to the park…Mikayli didn’t want to go and Mark was home so she stayed. While driving to the park I called Mikayli to say no TV and no computer…only a book. I
then told Anna she wanted to talk to her. Anna was thrilled and began talking to her like they hadn’t seen each other in a long time. “Mikayli can we be friends until I make real friends.” she said.

“So what do you want to talk about?” “Will you read me your President paper?” … she felt so big being on the phone it was so fun to listen to. They really have had to be good friends and they do
pretty good most days.

The first day in Orlando we skipped breakfast because we wanted to get to the park and we weren’t sure where a McDonald’s was. We at lunch and didn’t eat until late that night. This wasn’t smart…I
know. The next evening Anna said the family prayer and in the prayer was sure to thank Heavenly Father for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

After a long day at Magic Kingdom we raced to the train that would take us back to our car. We were standing in line and after the train doors open realized that there were open car further down. So we walked down a couple doors and got on and sat down. We waited and the doors closed and then the doors opened. We wondered if they were loading more people on. Suddenly one of the workers showed up at our door with Kellen at his side. Mark reached out and grabbed him and
all the people waiting out in the line began clapping and cheering. What a scary thing. What wonderful parents. Ugh!!!

We love you all and hope to hear what your all up to.

Thanx Marlowe Family

I have to thank the Marlowe family for getting in the 1st newletter for this site. HOWEVER, you will be answering to Heidi. I told her that I would take the picture of her in Rebeccas Jr. Miss dress Off if she was the first one in with a letter.

Too Bad... So Sad. We still Love you.

Friday, August 17, 2007

Heidi........or is it Rebecca?

No Doubt who this is!!!

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

The New Blog

I have decided that instead of mailing out a Kunz family Newsletter I would facilitate things and make a Blog of what is happening with the Kunz Family. So your job is to send me an update of your family along with a few pictures of recent events and we can combine them all together.

